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Our Services

What We Offer

Adult Students

"Standard" Session

Gaining Academic Confidence


As our mission statement declares, we are interested in cultivating better learners. These sessions allow us to create an individualized plan to assist in the cultivation of skills our students need to achieve success at their current grade. Through proper scaffolding of instruction and activities, our students also develop skills that will assist them in future grades.


Test Prep


We recognize the importance of ACT/SAT scores, and the emphasis Colleges and Universities placed upon them. After identifying a baseline, our tutors will collaborate with you to teach you proficient test-taking strategies, as well as cultivate better content-related skills by crafting activities targeting any patterns of difficulty we identify.

Online Tutorial

Weekend Workshop

Targeted Skill Building

Each weekend one of our tutors will host a workshop, focusing specifically on targeting the development of skills that will help you achieve success academically. The duration of each workshop is forty-five minutes long, and will implement differentiated learning strategies to target various learning styles. The best part, the price for this workshop is set at a 23% discount over the normal hourly rate for our Virtual Sessions. Even better, the more students in the workshop, the less expensive the price! In other words, if you and your friends sign up together, you all save money! Below is the breakdown for the cost of a Workshop depending on the amount of students in the class:

1-3 Students- $20

4-6 Students- $15

7+ Students- $10

Each Monday a short description of the weekend’s Workshop will be posted on the website. You must sign up by Thursday night  to ensure that when we create the workshop and post it on Friday, you pay the appropriate price for the session.

Services: Services
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